Saturday 10 July 2010

Mad , Bad and Great to Know .

Whats wrong with blogger this afternoon ? Keeps coming up ERROR , oh well it's working now so I'd better make the most of it . The mist is lifting and I can see the pier , well the outline , almost shadow like .

My pal Matt keeps ringing and texting me concerning Raoul Moat , I'm sober and feeling to grumpy to answer the phone , this guy left prison and shot his ex wife , killed her new boyfriend and shot a copper , I think Matt had mentioned something about Raoul not getting access to his kids and that's the last thing I wish to chat about at the moment .

I've only been out today to get some cigarettes , had a quick chat with Bill who was swigging on a can of Carlsberg and showing off his £450 digital camera which he bought 2 years ago and doesn't know how to work , I didn't mention my idea of buying my own cheaper model later on this week , Simon , my neighbours lodger is also sitting and chatting about cameras , he hates them and really hates looking at other peoples photo's , when I had my car he came out to have a look and told me he hates cars and would never travel on a bus . "Now't as queer as folk" , my Mum would say . I used to think of myself as a good judge of character but as I get older it never ceases to amaze me how riduculous and absurdly people will behave so now i no longer judge and just let them be whatever they want , it's my own behaviour which facinates me the most , remembering I'm mad give me license to do what I like .

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