Sunday 18 July 2010

My bodies a mess and my brain is sticky as honey , glued together with alcohol , cigarettes and prescription drugs . Why won't it get so stuck together and block every thought out about my daughter and all the other fucked up things in my fucked up life .
I woke at 6am in a black mood and took some painkillers , then woke at 11ish and took some more with my usual cocktail of prozac and diazipam . Thank God for Sport , Moto GP and Golf , otherwise I'd be back to black " We only said goodbye with words" .
Annabell rings but I'm brain dead and can't make her laugh .
I want to sleep but I'm scared , I wake up and I can't breathe , my heart is racing , I'm sweating and think it's my turn to die , it's terrifying and I don't know where I am .

1 comment:

  1. That post made me cry.

    I am always here if you need me Jim.
    Don't feel like you have to go through this alone.
    Sending gentle hugs ~X~
    Your friend always
