Monday 26 July 2010

Let me make something perfectly clear .
1. Alcohol is fun.
2. Alcohol is fashionable.
3. Alcohol will give you confidence.
4. Alcohol gets the party in full swing.
5. Alcohol is encouraged in our society.
6. Alcohol is good for ones heart.
7. Alcohol is good for the soul.
8. Alcohol helps you fuck your lady a lot longer.
9. Alcohol gives you a good nights rest.
10.Alcohol is an excellent slave.
All of the above are true , yes believe me , absolutely true . So why am I writing such a glowing appraisal of the Devils brew , you may ask yourself ?
I enjoyed all the benefits from the above , Fuck it did I have some fun , yes the best times of my life absolutely and without doubt , followed the fashion or more like an institution , gave me the confidence of Casanova and got me into some real swinging parties ( make what you want of that ) , Mr A has given me access to the most wonderful and fascinating insight into human behaviour that anyone could be lucky enough to see . Damn good pick up if ones heart and soul is in the doldrums , works every time , you can be sure of that , oh and don't forget sorting your partner out for hours on a Saturday night if you can stay awake . Good slave indeed .
So why would I want to give up the beautiful booze ?
Mr A will slowly and without you realising remove all the fun from your life , piss on all the confidence that he lent you then make you pay back 1000's over for the same relief , will fuck up your heart and not to mention what he'll do to your soul , turning you into a liar , scheming manipulator , angry , unbalanced , paranoid thieving sell yourself to the devil for a beer pathetic wreck of a shadow of your former self . Maybe you weren't so happy with yourself before you decided to undertake a career in alcoholism but I can assure you that you will fucking hate yourself after years of abuse far more than you did before , the police will take a very great interest in your every move , lock you up in the cells for days without any reason you can remember , make you stand up in court and beg forgiveness for accusations you don't even remember "Yes Sir , No Sir , I understand my stupidity and will never drink again promise , think "PHEW" that was a close one then hit the nearest pub . Don't even mention the relationships , family and children caught up in your addiction , they will leave you , don't kid yourself that you're in control , you're not . I'm living proof that you will lose everything and when I say everything that you care about that's exactly what I'm talking about, don't be a fool and do what I did "You will loose everything" , Daughter , Brother , Mother , nephews and nieces and more friends than you'd be able to remember and I still sit here drinking just waiting to get into detox in 13 days. And the guilt will rip your heart out , I can no longer bare to look at the photos of my daughter , she's so beautiful and my life is so full of ugliness . What a mess but a mess of my own making , that's for sure , think carefully , if addiction is inherited then I worry for my daughter and my brothers kids , there's no hard evidence to say either way , please God NO , NO WAY , leave them alone , they don't deserve it , let me take the whole family dose and let it die with me .

1 comment:

  1. I understand. We have different addictions, but the same at the same time. Why does it take hold of us so tightly? Why can't we just put it down and walk away and never look back? What is it that keeps us in the same place and why the hell don't they have a pill for it already!?

    So... It's nice to meet ya :P
