Monday 12 July 2010

An Apple A Day .

Whilst waiting for a bus this afternoon I saw a simple sight which warmed my heart , a small child of maybe 2 years old was holding a MacDonald's balloon in one hand and in the other I had expected to see a donut or muffin , but no she was munching very quietly and happily on a small piece of apple , it had been cut into a segment and was working her way from inside to the outer skin , I wondered if she would leave the skin , it gave me a flashback from my own childhood when I had chocked on an apple skin and rushing to my mother for help , she ignored me and continued to chat to her friend Beryl . I kept an eye on the child and she ate the rest of the apple skin and all , I felt proud of her as she plucked a grape out of the little plastic bag she was holding , she was smiling in the sunshine and so was I .


  1. Yarra great big beautiful man with a great big heart as soft as butter. How lovely are you :)
