Wednesday 14 July 2010

Lazy summer days .

I'm normally hyper , flying here there and everywhere and usually forgetting what I had planned to do , I'll go shopping and buy everything but the loaf of bread I went for . My brain works at an abnormally high speed which means I cannot make any sense of information properly and find it difficult to concentrate on a single subject for more than a few seconds , I've used alcohol to medicate this condition for over 20 years , " I'm a million different people from one day to the next " , The Verve .
Had to sell more of my DVD'S this afternoon to get some alcohol , I'm looking into a product called antibuse , if you drink whilst taking this medication it can literally kill you , I've asked the DR for it before and was turned down , it's dangerous stuff and not to be fucked around with . I saw a guy who drank whilst on antibuse and his face blew up and turned purple and he was vomiting and complaining of severe head aches , Georgie Best had implants sewn into his stomach but still drank regardless . I'll go and see the DR and see what she says .
Hunger is consuming me but if I eat then I won't get properly mashed so it's pushed to the back of my mind , ate some toast this morning so I'm not starving or anything like that , theres food in the freezer but it messes up my drinking , stops me wanting to consume alcohol and I wouldn't like that . Who's speaking here , Mr A or Jim ?

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